Mašnje so še zmeraj in. Take rožaste pa še posebaj. Prav smešne so te zgodbe, od kje pobiram te mašnaste blagove. Od kmečkih štacun v sloveniji, do super dragih turških v Berlinu (nevem kako mi je to ratal) seveda veliko jih je pa tud od tu (Budimpešte). Barve so enake kot pri Never stop kolekciji, jesenske lušne. Hotla sem ena zanimiva tla za fotkah, ker sem doma vedno fotkala al na betonu al pa na starem lesu. In potem ko že vsem kolegom težim kakšne so ploščice v njihovih hišah, ugotovim da mam čist hude ploščice pred vhodom v studio. ful dobr.
Bows are still in fashion, at least the floral ones. Those stories where I got the fabric for bows are really funny, from really shitty shops in Slovenia to those super expensive turkish places in Berlin and a lot of them come from Budapest also. Prime colours are the same as in Never stop collection, very autumn-ish. I wanted to make pictures on some interesting floor, and discovered this really cool tiles in front of my studio. pretty much amazing.
Hvala :)