Nekje sem že napisala, da sem v eni randomi trgovini najdla čist hud blago. Tak s ptiči. In seveda so gor tud flamingoti ( o moji navdušenosti nad njimi sem pa itak že pisala ). Torej par dni v studiju in tole je ratal. Mela sem v glavi čist zamišljen fotošuting sam se potem ni nič poklapal med sabo, tako da sem mogla izvest backup plan - beri vozit se po mestu s kolesom z namenom da najdem primeren plac. No v mestnem parku imajo eno tako halo - kjer so bili včasih, če prav razumem koncerti za mlade, ob nedeljah pa je tam tud bolšjak. No zdej je to bolj kot ne podrtija. Za to halo je bil en ogromen zaboj ( ne me vprašat, kaj je blo notr, ker je enake velikosti kot krsta) v taki lepi lepo modri barvi. Bil je v grmovju med golobjimi dreki, pa še čim. No potem si pa predstavljajte, kako Neža ta zaboj vleče čez celo betonsko ploščad na sonce, okol pa miljon ljudi. No ja bi bilo za posnet, verjetno smešna situacija.
/ I wrote already somewhere that I have found this gorgeous bird fabric in some random store. On it there are also flamingos (about my obsession with them, I wrote already). Few days spent in studio and this stuff came out. I had a plan about photo shooting made up in my mind already, but then things just didn't worked out, so I had to go with back up plan - that means cycling around the city finding the right spot. Well in the city park, they have this really old hall - which used to be a party place for young people, but now they have flea markets on Sundays there. Well behind this hall there was - in the bushes (and some other bird shit) - this blue huge wooden case - I don't know what was it meant to store, but I guess it was something big. The problem was that I had to drag it like 200m across the parking lot to get it to the sun. A lot of people - no one helping. I guess it was a weird situation.
New collection available at:
/ I wrote already somewhere that I have found this gorgeous bird fabric in some random store. On it there are also flamingos (about my obsession with them, I wrote already). Few days spent in studio and this stuff came out. I had a plan about photo shooting made up in my mind already, but then things just didn't worked out, so I had to go with back up plan - that means cycling around the city finding the right spot. Well in the city park, they have this really old hall - which used to be a party place for young people, but now they have flea markets on Sundays there. Well behind this hall there was - in the bushes (and some other bird shit) - this blue huge wooden case - I don't know what was it meant to store, but I guess it was something big. The problem was that I had to drag it like 200m across the parking lot to get it to the sun. A lot of people - no one helping. I guess it was a weird situation.
New collection available at:
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