This past few months have been really crazy. I moved from my country (not for Erasmus), but as I say "forever", I left everything behind me, my family, my boyfriend, school, and most important friend.  I left it behind me and started new life at my 23. I moved to a country, which language I may never learn, but I try, I try really hard. I moved to a country, which I absolutely adore, love the nation, and love the culture. The country which is so close to my home, but there was no chance in the past to get to know it better. 
2 months ago, I started a new brand, with a girl I met on a cycle trip from Madrid to Budapest. We had the same interests, the same passion, so we decided to start collaborating on a project called Blind Chic. It all started really calmly, but after a post on one of the mayor design blogs we were popped out into the world. Since then, we are working 10-12 hours a day (everyday, even Sundays). We are really trying to make this happen, trying to live the dream.
Why I am writing this to Embrace blog? Well, I wanted to give some explanation, why is everything quite here. I am not saying for sure, that there is nothing going to happen here anymore, but for right now, I can say, that there is no time for it. I wanted to say thank you, to everyone, who supported me on the way, and are still really supportive of what am I trying to do. And to friends, who still stayed my friends, after I left them behind. I really love you all!

Teh nekaj zadnjih mesecev je bilo zelo napornih. Preselila sem se (pa to nima veze z Erazmusom), ampak za zmeraj (moja mami ne bo srečna ko tole prebere). Praktično vse sem pustila za sabo, družino, fanta, šolo in prijatelje. Realno gledano, sem začela čist novo življenje, pri svojih 23 (sej nevem, a je to zgodaj ali pozno). Preselila sem se v državo, katere jezik mi še vedno povzroča nekaj težav, ampak mi bo uspelo, to vem! To deželo absolutno obožujem, rada imam te ljudi, zanimiva mi je njihova kultura (ki je btw drugačna kot naša). Država, ki nam je tako blizu, pa tako malo vemo o njej.
Dva meseca nazaj sva s punco, ki sem jo spoznala na kolesarskem izletu Madrid-Budimpešta začele z novo znamko. Ker sva imele enake interese, sva začeli ustvarjati pod znamko Blind Chic. Vse se je začelo bolj mirno, ampak po objavi na enem od večjih modnih blogov se je zadeva razdivjala. Od takrat delava 10-12 ur na dan, tudi ob nedeljah. Res se trudiva, da bi nama uspelo, da končno lahko delava tisto, kar si že od nekdaj želiva.
Zakaj tukaj klobasam o tem? V bistvu, sem hotela podati obrazlago, zakaj je tu vse tiho, zakaj se nič ne dogaja. Iskreno lahko povem, da za Embrace trenutno nimam časa, ne trdim pa, da se tukaj ne bo nič več ustvarilo. Hotela sem samo še povedat, da sem res hvaležna vsem ki ste me do zdaj podpirali in tistim, ki me še vedno spodbujajo s svojimi lepimi besedami in pohvalami. In tistim, ki so še vedno moji prijatelji, čeprav me ni več tu.  

Some links/ nekaj linkov:

Za mano je še en sejem. Tokrat so bili madžari malo bolj pogumni in pokupili skoraj vso mojo mizo! Poleg madžarov sem spoznala en kup enih tujcev, simpatične američanke, dva lušna avstrijca, enga čednega čeha. Mize so bile malo bolj čudno postavljene za to sem ves čas stala, in se smukala okoli moje mize, kar se je izkazalo, da ljudem bolj ugaja, tako da sem praktično 6 ur samo govorila pa govorila pa govorila. Medtem ko sem govorila sem se basala z  ingverjevimi piškoti, pila sodo pa mečkala tele lušne kužke, ker je slučajno moja sejemska soseda prodajala fensi pasje ovratnice. Vsesplošni vtis: mogoče se udeležim še  božičnega sejma.

I survived another art market, this time the customers were more brave, because in the end my table was almost empty. Beside hungarians I met a lot of foreigners, american girls, austrians, czechs... The position of the tables was kind of weird, so I was standing for six hours, what turned out really well, beacause this way I was closer to the people. While talking and talking for six hours, I was eating ginger cookies, drank soda, and cuddle with this lovely dogs. Overall impression: maybe you will see me on christmas market as well.

V četrtek je dan, ko se Neža predstavi Budimpešti. Tu, kjer imam studio (mi smo v prvem štuku) je v pritličju en klub/lokal, kjer se konstantno nekaj dogaja, od projekcij dokumentarnih filmov, foto razstav, inštalacij, vsak večer drug didžej, en četrtek v mesecu pa tudi art market. Ta četrtek bom tam tudi jaz, upam da me ne bodo preveč po madžarsko spraševali, ker bom rajš rekla da ne razumem, kot da bi se mal potrudla pa spregovorila v moji polomljeni madžarščini. Tako, da če bi katera, rada kaj imela iz preteklih kolekcij - beri ptičje in une never stop, je zdaj zadnja možnost, ker so to zadnji kosi in gredo na prodaj.
Kar je še ostalo je tu v spletni trgovini, če ne bi plačevale po Paypalu, me kontaktirajte na mail:

Thursday is the day, when Embrace says hello to Budapest. In the place where I have studio is also a club/bar, where is always something new happening, there are showing documentary movies, having photo exhibitions, different installations, upcoming djs and once a month there is an art market. These thursday I am gonna be there as well, I hope I can manage with my knowledge of hungarian language, and I will not need to use the english. So if anyone is interested in purchasing some embrace stuff, do it now and do it fast, until thursday. Because when they are gone, THEY ARE GONE FOREVER. You dont need to have a PayPal account to order, just contact me on my email:

Zadnjih nekaj dni, sem spremenila bivališče iz Budimpešte v Szeged. Staro mesto na eni ogromni ravnini z dvema rekama. A zakaj sem tukaj? Pomagam barvat dile. Dile za hišo na vodi. Ampak ne navadno hišo, ampak tako hišo kulture. Tako, v kateri bodo prodajal kolesa, pa tud kakšno kavo boš lahko spil. 

/ I've been somewhere else this week, not in Budapest but in Szeged, helping at this very cool project of building a house on a water. But not a normal house - but one of this cultural centers, on the river Tisza. Very cool.

Nekje sem že napisala, da sem v eni randomi trgovini najdla čist hud blago. Tak s ptiči. In seveda so gor tud flamingoti ( o moji navdušenosti nad njimi sem pa itak že pisala ). Torej par dni v studiju in tole je ratal. Mela sem v glavi čist zamišljen fotošuting sam se potem ni nič poklapal med sabo, tako da sem mogla izvest backup plan - beri vozit se po mestu s kolesom z namenom da najdem primeren plac. No v mestnem parku imajo eno tako halo - kjer so bili včasih, če prav razumem koncerti za mlade, ob nedeljah pa je tam tud bolšjak. No zdej je to bolj kot ne podrtija. Za to halo je bil en ogromen zaboj ( ne me vprašat, kaj je blo notr, ker je enake velikosti kot krsta) v taki lepi lepo modri barvi. Bil je v grmovju med golobjimi dreki, pa še čim. No potem si pa predstavljajte, kako Neža ta zaboj vleče čez celo betonsko ploščad na sonce, okol pa miljon ljudi. No ja bi bilo za posnet, verjetno smešna situacija.
/ I wrote already somewhere that I have found this gorgeous bird fabric in some random store. On it there are also flamingos (about my obsession with them, I wrote already). Few days spent in studio and this stuff came out. I had a plan about photo shooting made up in my mind already, but then things just didn't worked out, so I had to go with back up plan - that means cycling around the city finding the right spot. Well in the city park, they have this really old hall - which used to be a party place for young people, but now they have flea markets on Sundays there. Well behind this hall there was - in the bushes (and some other bird shit) - this blue huge wooden case - I don't know what was it meant to store, but I guess it was something big. The problem was that I had to drag it like 200m across the parking lot to get it to the sun. A lot of people - no one helping. I guess it was a weird situation.

New collection available at:

Recimo takole  - tukaj ti ni nikoli dolgčas in prov izbirat moraš na kater event boš šel, ker na vse pač ne moraš it. Ker se vrtim v krogu kreativnih ljudi, mi še interneta ni treba odpret da pregledam dogajanja. Tole je bila ena bolj luštnih razstav z naslovom vizija. Najbolj kul so mi te konfeti/vrvice. To hočem za svoj d dan. Aja pa kok kul je da maš bazenček z ribicami k te žgečkajo bo bosi nogi na razstavi?

Lets say Budapest can offer you some social events every day. One of this was an exhibition of three lovely ladies named Vizijó. I really loved the confetti laces, and I really want them now. And yes how cool is it to have a children pool filled with small fishes, and you put you leg in it and they tickle you??

Ladies: Bodonyi Panni (, 
Camilla Englund (, 
Navratil Judit (

Mašnje so še zmeraj in. Take rožaste pa še posebaj. Prav smešne so te zgodbe, od kje pobiram te mašnaste blagove. Od kmečkih štacun v sloveniji, do super dragih turških v Berlinu (nevem kako mi je to ratal) seveda veliko jih je pa tud od tu (Budimpešte). Barve so enake kot pri Never stop kolekciji, jesenske lušne. Hotla sem ena zanimiva tla za fotkah, ker sem doma vedno fotkala al na betonu al pa na starem lesu. In potem ko že vsem kolegom težim kakšne so ploščice v njihovih hišah, ugotovim da mam čist hude ploščice pred vhodom v studio. ful dobr.

Bows are still in fashion, at least the floral ones. Those stories where I got the fabric for bows are really funny, from really shitty shops in Slovenia to those super expensive turkish places in Berlin and a lot of them come from Budapest also. Prime colours are the same as in Never stop collection, very autumn-ish. I wanted to make pictures on some interesting floor, and discovered this really cool tiles in front of my studio. pretty much amazing.